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How to talk to others about your child's eating challenges : [website].

Bri DeRosa


"When a child has mealtime challenges due to special needs like autism, ADHD, sensory processing issues or other neurodiversities, they need support and understanding from everyone around them. But parents and caregivers often find it difficult to communicate about their child’s needs with others. They may feel embarrassed or believe that they or their child are being judged. Or they simply may not know exactly how to help others understand the reasons behind their child’s unique eating challenges and mealtime needs."

Online Resource

Updated: 11 August 2023

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The Awhi Ngā Mātua team would like to thank Takai, the IHC Foundation and the Dines Family Charitable Trust for their generous contributions to our work. A huge thank you also to the IHC Programmes team, in particular the IHC Library which has worked so hard to make their remarkable collection available to us.

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