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Group play interventions for children : strategies for teaching prosocial skills

Linda A Reddy

An orange shape for decoration.Cover image for Group play interventions for children :

Publisher: American Psychological Association

Publish date: 20 November 2023


"Group play interventions are used to meet a broad range of developmental needs in children from various backgrounds. This book is for mental health practitioners working with children aged 5 through 12 to help them learn important social skills and self-control strategies such as making friends, asking for and offering help, controlling hands and feet, using appropriate words, and managing stress and anger. This book integrates the use of group play interventions and evidence-based cognitive behavioral techniques in child group training. Author Linda A. Reddy lays out the grounding principles and research of group play interventions and sketches out the most common disorders and symptom sets for which children are referred for group training. She then offers practical suggestions for forming groups and for managing instruction and behavior, as well as a chapter on how to make the most of caregivers' skills and interests to maintain children's progress." - PUBLISHERS WEBSITE


Updated: 20 November 2023

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The Awhi Ngā Mātua team would like to thank Takai, the IHC Foundation and the Dines Family Charitable Trust for their generous contributions to our work. A huge thank you also to the IHC Programmes team, in particular the IHC Library which has worked so hard to make their remarkable collection available to us.

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