December 13, 2024

Inclusive Education - What is it?

An inclusive education is when all children, no matter their education needs, can learn and thrive and be a valued member of their local school.

It is a human rights issue and is supported by international and national law including:

  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989
  • UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2007
  • NZ Education and Training Act 2020
  • NZ Disability Strategy 2016

Despite being a signatory to the above, as well as enshrining the right to an inclusive education in education policy and in law – New Zealand struggles to deliver a truly inclusive education sector for all learners.

Recent government initiatives, such as the Ministry of Education website Te Kete Iparangi, provides support and guidance on building inclusive school culture as well as embedding it in school infrastructure and practice.

While IHC supports such initiatives, it is concerned that disabled children and their families still come up against barriers when they attend their local schools. IHC has actively been seeking to redress this inequity through their Education Complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal. Find out more here.

What are some of the benefits of an inclusive education? 

  • Inclusive schools build communities that respect and value diversity.
  • Disabled children who attend mainstream schools have better outcomes later in life – they achieve more academically, build relationship skills and have better employment prospects.
  • Non-disabled children, in the same school environment, develop skills in relating to and accommodating people different to themselves and to develop ideas of equity and social justice.
  • Schools build a flexible and responsive school culture and infrastructure – able to meet the needs of diverse learners.
  • Families of disabled children feel that they are welcome and respected members of their community.
  • Negative stereotypes about disability and difference can be eliminated through education and experience.

What are some of the difficulties schools may experience implementing inclusive education? 

  • There is no definitive model or checklist for what an inclusive school looks like. It will vary from school to school and may change over time. Schools need to be flexible and adaptable.
  • To do it well, schools need to be fully supported - financially, legislatively and through education policy.
  • It takes time and commitment to be a truly inclusive school. There may be a mismatch between a student’s support needs, and the ability for a school to build its capacity fast enough.

Key features of inclusive schools

  • A willingness to not only accept all children regardless of their need for learning support, but also to commit to making that support available.
  • The school infrastructure – buildings, playgrounds, amenities – are fully accessible. This includes things like fences or lifts for students that need them.
  • Activities and outings are planned so that all students can take part. It is not left up to parents to organize their child’s participation at school picnics, swimming sports etc.
  • Teachers, school staff, pupils respect and value diversity.
  • Children can be at school for the entire school day and are not sent home subject to teacher aides being able to be present.
  • Children are not forced to learn apart from their classmates but are valued members of the classroom.

So why do we have Specialist Schools?

Specialist schools exist because the availability of fully supported mainstream schools able to meet the needs of all learners across the length and breadth of New Zealand is not yet a reality.

We encourage parents to team up with their local school to get them to recognise their child’s right to an education in their local community and honouring a commitment to inclusive education. But if that simply does not seem possible or will take too long to achieve, then enrolling your child in a specialist school, may be best for you.

Parent choice in deciding where your child will thrive and learn the most, is ultimately the deciding factor. But also seek your child’s point of view as early as possible – they may surprise you by having a different perspective than your own.

For more on specialist schools, visit the Ministry of Education site.

If you would like to know more about Inclusive Education, the following articles by Awhi Nga Matua and IHC Library may be of interest to you: How can I tell if my disabled child is getting the inclusive education they deserve?;  Help! My local school does not want to enrol my disabled child – what can I do?

Or contact the IHC library direct to have a chat about what you need on 0800 442 442. Alternatively, email:

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Author PhotoMeryl Richards

I’m Meryl Richards. What a pleasure it’s been to join the Awhi team. I get to spend my days researching information that supports me as a parent, and sometimes challenges me to rethink what I thought I knew. My hope is that it will be useful to you too. I live in Kapiti with my partner and two teenage boys, and spend as much time as possible in the surrounding bush and at the beach.

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