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Cyberbullying : activities to help children and teens to stay safe in a texting, twittering, social networking world

Vanessa Rogers

An orange shape for decoration.Cover image for Cyberbullying :

Publish date: 11 August 2023


"Children and teenagers text, network and twitter online as second nature, but when emails or texts are used to threaten, harass, intimidate or embarrass someone, they can turn from being a source of enjoyment to a source of crippling anxiety and fear. This approachable book is packed with advice, games and activities for groups and individuals to help young people understand what cyberbullying is, how they should behave online and how they can stay safe. The activities range from quizzes and competitions to storyboard games and art activities, and cover issues such as how easily personal information can be forwarded, the risks posed by unknown 'friends' on social networking sites, and how to discuss and deal with bullying issues. They are designed to encourage young people to think about their own behaviour and attitudes and give them the skills and knowledge to stay safe in a digital world. Particularly suited to children and teens aged 11+, this essential book will be an invaluable resource for parents, teachers, youth workers, and anyone working with young people who could be exposed to cyberbullying." - BOOK JACKET


Updated: 11 August 2023

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The Awhi Ngā Mātua team would like to thank Takai, the IHC Foundation and the Dines Family Charitable Trust for their generous contributions to our work. A huge thank you also to the IHC Programmes team, in particular the IHC Library which has worked so hard to make their remarkable collection available to us.

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