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Adaptation in families raising children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder : Part II: What would help

Kelly D Coons

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Identifies and explores unique stressors that hinder family adaptation for parents raising children with FASD. Highlights one critical challenge that inhibits successful family adaptation for adoptive parents raising children with FASD in Ontario, Canada: the perceived lack of knowledge or awareness of FASD from professionals and the general public. Although a number of factors contribute to how stressful family life can be for families raising children with FASD, the lack of knowledge and awareness of FASD by healthcare professionals, teachers, and the larger community is a salient challenge.

Research Article

Updated: 11 August 2023

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The Awhi Ngā Mātua team would like to thank Takai, the IHC Foundation and the Dines Family Charitable Trust for their generous contributions to our work. A huge thank you also to the IHC Programmes team, in particular the IHC Library which has worked so hard to make their remarkable collection available to us.

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